Photo: (SAGV032.8)
The glass facade of the clothing warehouses as designed by Heldoorn in 1938 marked a change to the Baroque building designed by C. de Groot in 1924. Before that change, the store with warehouse and upstairs apartments resembled the complex on the corner of Minister Hartsenlaan that De Groot designed in 1912-1914.
Heldoorn designed the glass entrance and the shop windows in the shape of a semicircle. The stucco cornice above the large steel windows in yellow ocher masonry is striking, with shadow joints. The building was demolished in 1985 to make room for a new residential complex with an underground parking garage.
Source: Annette Koenders, Hilversum. Architectuur en Stedenbouw 1850-1940, Zwolle (2001).
Kerkbrink, Hilversum (demolished in 1985)