Photo: (SAGV236)
A new district was built on the grounds that were once part of the so-called Second Block of reclamation. Heathland, coppice, sports fields and meadows gave way to a harmonious neighborhood with lots of greenery. The municipality cooperated with the housing associations. The district has a construction of apartment blocks, housing law homes for families, retirement homes and drive-in homes, as well as facilities such as a shopping center, schools, a clubhouse, a retirement center and a church.
During the design, much attention was paid to the traffic engineering aspect. A ring road for car traffic leads through the district. There is a lot of space for pedestrians within the district. Cars may only park in the designated parking spaces. A new labour-saving construction method was assumed, the poured concrete system. The single-family homes were placed in a courtyard with two playgrounds. The greenery and residential streets make the seven courtyards look like garden villages.
By assigning the courts to various housing associations on a philosophical basis, they represented themselves -certainly in the beginning- as small pillarized residential communities. The Hilversum Community Foundation helped the new residents to master the new form of living together, of joint organisation.
Source: Annette Koenders, Hilversum. Architectuur en Stedenbouw 1850-1940, Zwolle (2001).
Kerkelanden, Hilversum