Photo: Dudok Architectuur Centrum
The architects C. de Groot, J. van Laren and J.H. Slot are well-known names in Hilversum, also when it comes to the construction of retail houses. An architect who is less well-known but who has also built a lot in Hilversum is C. Trappenburg. He designed in the style that seeks a combination of the Amsterdam School and the work of W.M. Dudok. In the main shopping street of Hilversum, the Kerkstraat, on the corner with a former village green is the retail house, which was built for the fashion house Noordman. The articulated tower-like volume with the stairwell responds to the location. During a renovation of the property in 1999, the original qualities of the property were restored by removing shop windows and restoring the red copper fronts with flat and curved copper covers.
Source: Annette Koenders, Hilversum. Architectuur en Stedenbouw 1850-1940, Zwolle (2001).
Kerkstraat 40, Hilversum